Free e-book: Five Lessons from the Carmelite Saints That Will Change Your Life

My new e-book on the Carmelite saints.

My new e-book on the Carmelite saints.

Update: At least one reader has said he can’t see the link on his mobile device. Is that the case for others? Try this link instead: Subscribe to my posts.

Update 2: The Nook edition is now available for sale for $.99!

It’s finally here–my first e-book! I hope you’re as excited as I am. I wrote this e-book for you, to aid you in your spiritual life. And today I’m going to ask you to do something for me. But first, I want to tell you how you can receive a free copy of Five Lessons from the Carmelite Saints That Will Change Your Life.

It’s easy. All you have to do is sign up to receive my blog posts by email, using the form at the top of the sidebar. At the end of the process, you will receive an email containing a link to download the e-book.

What if you are already following my blog by email? No problem. I have set up a new account at MailChimp to handle my emails to subscribers. I have also removed the old WordPress widget for email signup from my sidebar. All new subscribers will go onto the MailChimp list. If you are on the old list, simply sign up for the new list and download the e-book. Then you can click on “unsubscribe” in the email you got today for this post to remove you from the old list. That way, you will not get two emails when I post on Friday. If you have any questions about this, leave a comment or email me directly.

Buy a copy for your Kindle for $.99

If you prefer to read Five Lessons from the Carmelite Saints on Kindle, you can purchase a copy for less than a dollar. That’s the lowest price Amazon allows. This is also an option for those of you who would rather not subscribe to my blog posts. I hope to have versions for the Nook and other formats available soon. I’ll update you on their progress.

Please help me publicize this!

Several of you received advance copies of my e-book in exchange for reviews on your own blogs. You can read reviews from Kristen Johnson, Terry McDermott, Mary N,  Nancy Shuman, Jenny, and Melanie Jean Juneau. If you haven’t yet written a review, it’s not too late. Please link back to this post to make it as simple as possible for your readers to get their free e-book.

For those of you with a smaller blog audience who wanted to help out before, now is your chance. I still need lots of reviews to spread the word. Feel free to provide a link to your review in the comments below.

Don’t have a blog? I also need reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. Please Tweet this, share it on Facebook, Reddit’s Catholicism subreddit, Google Plus, Pinterest, and any other social media you use. Send a link to this post by email to your friends and family who may not otherwise see it. I am really counting on my readers for publicity. There’s only so much I can do myself.

Bigger projects ahead?

This short e-book is a trial run to see how much interest there may be in a book-length manuscript on Carmelite spirituality. Your response to this e-book, and your enthusiasm in sharing it, will tell me whether it’s worth my time to write a longer e-book. Remember, besides being a wife and mother, I am a homeschooler before I am a writer. Writing a book-length manuscript will demand sacrifice. I can’t do it if the interest isn’t manifest.

It’s all about growing closer to Christ

I truly believe that the lessons in my e-book will bring you closer to Jesus. They are not secrets. They are the tried and true steps to holiness that countless saints have followed. If you are new to the Catholic spiritual life, this e-book will give you a road map for the future. If you are advanced, it will remind you of the basics. If you, like me, are somewhere in between, it will challenge and motivate you. (I am currently being changed by Lesson 5). You can come back to it again and again over the years. And it’s all taken from some of the most admired saints in the history of the Church.

Sign up for your free copy now, before you forget.


Connie Rossini

About Connie Rossini

Connie Rossini gives whole families practical help to grow in holiness. She is the author of Trusting God with St. Therese and the free ebook Five Lessons from the Carmelite Saints That Will Change Your Life. She writes a spirituality column for The Catholic Voice of the Diocese of Omaha, Nebraska, and blogs at Contemplative Homeschool. She is also a columnist for Connie and her husband Dan have four young sons.
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41 Responses to Free e-book: Five Lessons from the Carmelite Saints That Will Change Your Life

  1. Theresa says:

    Great news Connie! I just purchased one for my Kindle and can’t wait to read it.

  2. Oh dear I just e-mailed a quick review of your book and and didn’t do a post yet,, coming right up!

  3. Manny says:

    I got it off Kindle. 99 cents won’t break me. And I figured you can use the royalties. Just don’t spend it in one place. 😉

  4. Hannah says:

    Thank you so much for this wonderful e-book. I read it twice already and my husband too! I printed this out, but do look forward to having it available for my Nook. I hope you will continue with this endeavor and share your work with us all.

  5. Nancy says:

    The book is really PRACTICAL, and inspiring. I just wrote about it on the Breadbox Letters, and linked readers back here. Thanks for making this available!

  6. Kathleen says:

    Hello! I found you from Nancy at the Breadbox Letters. I have just subscribed and am not only looking forward to your ebook, but reading your blog also. Thanks so much!

  7. Theresa says:

    Will you do a post regarding the ebook? You asked some questions at the end of the book that got me thinking : )

    • Theresa, go ahead and post your thoughts here.

      • Theresa says:

        I think you summed it up perfectly in this ebook.

        What has changed my life the most? 1) You were made for union with God. This profound truth keeps me going. By the grace of God, it is possible here on earth and with LOVE I strive despite my continual failings.

        Which do I find the most challenging? 4) Little things matter. This is the struggle…for me anyway. There is the tendency to say to oneself, “This is so trivial…it really can’t matter.”

        I think I want to learn a very simple way to discern if I am truly detached from *the little things*…whether that be a cup of coffee, a treat, computer time.

  8. Theresa, when I find a simple way of determining whether a person is detached, I’ll let you know! It’s easy to think I’m detached, not so easy to be so. #1 really is life changing, isn’t it? But for me, the biggest revelation was #3. I thought I could get by just fine without praying daily. Huge change after I entered OCDS.

  9. brooke says:

    Loved it Connie! Thank you!

  10. Pingback: Five Lessons From the Carmelite Saints–eBook

  11. Michelle says:

    Many years ago, as I was about to embark on my first year of Homeschooling, God sent me a message. As I was exiting a national park, an older man (naturalist) was leaving too. He asked if my kids were ready for school. I stated that we were going to be homeschooling. He liked this and gave me what was the best advice for us. “Start at the same time every day and STICK TO THE BASICS.”

    That is what this e book brings to heart and mind. Keep it simple ~ nuts and bolts basics. Aspiring to holiness isn’t as complicated as some believe. Although simple doesn’t always mean easy, this book will be a great guide. Thank you Connie.

    • Michelle, so nicely put, I might want to quote you! I find these five lessons are things we’ve heard before, but maybe haven’t digested that well. For example, when I read about trust earlier this year, I was blown away, even though I had read works by and about St. Therese many times over the years. I was finally ready to accept it on a deeper level. And it is changing my life–the inspiration for the title of my e-book.

      • Michelle says:

        Go right ahead and it’s true that we, along with our children, really do learn better when we are ready! Thank you again.

  12. Victor Savard says:

    Good luck Connie,

    I really don’t know what to say and long story short, maybe that’s cause me, myself and i don’t read many words but i never have a problem saying from the heart what “I” want to say even if “IT” does get me into a LOT of trouble now and then with our five daughters on occasions when “I’ do so. Longer story short, just blame Manny for U>S (usual sinning) cells for having paid YA a visit. Longer story short and for what “IT” is worth, “I” do get a good vive at this time for you and your book.

    God Bless

  13. Pingback: The power of stories | Contemplative Homeschool

  14. Hannah says:

    Even though I printed this little (but very important) e-book, I just now downloaded it on to my Nook. This way I can read it anywhere. Thank you so much. I find that it is a good idea to read and reread this each day. This gives me a lot of encouragement that I truly need.

  15. Pingback: Book Review: Five Lessons from the Carmelite Saints That Will Change Your Life. | joy of nine9

  16. Rannie Ramos says:

    I am very interested in the Carmelite saints and Carmelite spirituality. I know there will be many out there who will be interested and fascinated by the holiness generated by this order under the special protection and guidance of our Heavenly Mother.

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