My free e-book

Saints-CoverI wrote this e-book for you, to aid you in your spiritual life. Let me tell you how you can receive a free copy of Five Lessons from the Carmelite Saints That Will Change Your Life.

It’s easy. All you have to do is sign up to receive my blog posts by email. At the end of the process, you will receive an email containing a link to download the e-book.

Kindle is now free as well

If you prefer to read Five Lessons from the Carmelite Saints on your Kindle or Nook, you can now get them free.. This is also an option for those of you who would rather not subscribe to my blog posts. I now have multiple versions free at Smashwords as well.

Read or write a review

Several of you received advance copies of my e-book in exchange for reviews on your own blogs. You can read reviews from Kristen Johnson, Terry McDermott, Mary N,  Nancy Shuman, Jenny, and Melanie Jean Juneau. If you haven’t yet written a review, it’s not too late. Please link back to this post to make it as simple as possible for your readers to get their free e-book.

Don’t have a blog? I also need reviews on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, and Goodreads.

Bigger projects ahead?

This short e-book is a trial run to see how much interest there may be in a book-length manuscript on Carmelite spirituality. Your response to this e-book, and your enthusiasm in sharing it, will tell me whether it’s worth my time to write a longer e-book. Remember, besides being a wife and mother, I am a homeschooler before I am a writer. Writing a book-length manuscript will demand sacrifice. I can’t do it if the interest isn’t manifest.

It’s all about growing closer to Christ

I truly believe that the lessons in my e-book will bring you closer to Jesus. They are not secrets. They are the tried and true steps to holiness that countless saints have followed. If you are new to the Catholic spiritual life, this e-book will give you a road map for the future. If you are advanced, it will remind you of the basics. If you, like me, are somewhere in between, it will challenge and motivate you. (I am currently being changed by Lesson 5). You can come back to it again and again over the years. And it’s all taken from some of the most admired saints in the history of the Church.

Get your free copy now, before you forget.

Connie Rossini

3 Responses to My free e-book

  1. Pingback: Everyone can be a saint | Contemplative Homeschool

  2. Hello Connie,
    I would like to read a copy of your book. My email address is:

    Also, I am so sorry for not completing the Liebster Award requirements as yet. I am finally getting to this. Is it a Catholic award and should contain Catholic only content and recommend only Catholic blogs? Should I answer the questions you gave Lisa?

    Thank you,

  3. Pingback: Educate your kids for divine union | Contemplative Homeschool

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